I had a wonderful week at Friedenswald, serving as camp pastor for the primary camp. With a theme of “Shaped Like the Earth” we focused on the Genesis creation story – particularly God’s dividing of water and land and the creation of plants and trees.
2022’s Summer Staff is Setting Up for Youth Camps (Introducing the Summer Staff!)
June 5th marked the first day of orientation week for this year’s summer staff where they began to settle into the peaceful woods. Whether new or returning to camp, we…
Introducing The Summer 2022 Leadership Team!
This Summer is beginning to take its shape as the summer staff begins to arrive in the peaceful woods. Summer 2022’s leadership has been jumping into their roles over this…
Just Camp … For Justice
We hope this will not only be an opportunity to learn and be inspired but also a place of rest and renewal as we recognize the heaviness the work of combatting systems of oppression entails.