By Patrick Estell, land stewardship and program intern at Camp Friedenswald. When one thinks of the stage, we gravitate to the bright lights of Broadway, Loop theatres, and the West…
Introducing Gwen Gustafson-Zook, program director
We are excited to announce that Gwen Gustafson-Zook will be serving as our new program director, starting in early September! Gwen is a gifted storyteller, musician, generative leader, administrator, and pastor in the Anabaptist faith tradition.
Summer Staff Reflection: Birding by Isaac Reichenbach
For me, bird watching, much like my summers at camp, has been a significant part of my life. Although I have been across the country to seek out these majestic and awe-inspiring birds, one of the most significant and memorable birding locations for me has always been here in the peaceful woods.
Summer Staff Reflection: A place of formation by Lara Claassen
As we reflect on the past summer, we share several reflections from members of our summer staff team. These reflections were written mid-summer and shared as part of our Builders…