In this issue of The Friedensword, we publicly acknowledge individuals who over the past year have generously contributed as Builders of Camp Friedenswald. It’s the Builders who spent days (even weeks!) volunteering their time and skills to help update Lakeview Lodge this past fall; it’s the Builders who have routinely committed to building beds and benches for the new facilities; and it’s the Builders who have generously given financially to the mission of Camp Friedenswald. Camp would not be what it is today without you. Thank you!

It’s the commitment of the Builders — and the support of Camp’s ever-widening community of friends – that our Campaign to Renew Friedenswald has experienced such positive support, and why we’re confident that the total goal will be reached. To date, over $1.93 million – representing nearly 90% of our campaign target – has been committed.
Despite the lack of snow for Winter Retreats, we were grateful for the mild winter that kept construction work on the Cabins, Cottonwood Center, and Sandhill Lodge, on-schedule (See “What’s in a name? post). All projects are nearing their final stages and we look forward to welcoming the first campers- students in our Outdoor Education program, in May.

As is the case with nearly every major renovation project, we have had some surprises along the way. These unforeseen issues required a few changes and adjustments, but overall the project has gone smoothly. We are grateful for the professionalism and dedicated work of DJ Construction and its staff who have helped us transition Renew Friedenswald from vision to reality. In addition to the three larger projects, Camp staff and volunteers have also been hard at work updating Lakeview Lodge, including new paint, carpet, and kitchen countertops, giving the Lodge a “looks like new” feel! We hope you’ll take the opportunity to book one of Camp’s lodges in the year ahead and to see the updates in person.
As we anticipate the summer of 2017 and the completion of the renovations, we also look forward to rededicating these renewed facilities “to the Glory of God.” It was to God’s glory that Camp Friedenswald was dedicated in 1950; and it is to God’s glory that we continue to commit Camp Friedenswald’s ministry today and into the future.
Once again, thank you for partnering with us in our shared ministry!
I hope to see you in the peaceful woods this summer.
Jenna Liechty Martin, Executive Director
Anna Biesecker-Mast