We hope this will not only be an opportunity to learn and be inspired but also a place of rest and renewal as we recognize the heaviness the work of combatting systems of oppression entails.
Sharing our Stories
It’s a near-weekly occurrence that a special story finds its way to us at Camp Friedenswald. Wherever and however the stories are told, they speak to the impact of Camp.
Summer 2022: Shaped Like Earth
When we hold the biblical stories next to Creation, we can gain even deeper insights into who we are, what we are made for and how we connect to the earth. We can then say, “it was good.”
Sabbatical reflections
Among the graces received during the sabbatical was the reconnection and renewal that came through time spent in the woods here at Camp. To experience the trails, the trees, the creatures, with fresh perspective and space was a real gift – and to experience them with my family added additional layers of joy. Below is an excerpt of a journal I kept during those weeks, providing a glimpse into my experience on sabbatical.