We are excited to share that 46 solar panels have been installed at Lakeview Lodge! The panels should produce nearly 100% of the electricity needs for the lodge in the coming years. In addition, four cars can charge at the level II electric vehicle chargers that will be installed, providing convenient access for guests staying in Lakeview or Tamarack Lodges. While these changes are worth celebrating, a look back at improvements to Lakeview Lodge tells a larger story of energy conservation and progress over the last 10 years. This story exists due to the dedication of Camp Friedenswald as an organization working to improve the sustainability of Camp’s facilities and operations AND to the generosity of Camp’s constituents who value these improvements. Thank you!

Lakeview Lodge Energy Story 2015-2024:
- In 2024, total energy use was down 60% from 2015 even as utilization did not change
- This energy reduction resulted in a $3,500 cost savings for operating Lakeview Lodge in 2024 as compared to 2015
- Greenhouse gas emissions decreased 75% since 2015 thanks to reduced energy use and our local utility’s electricity source becoming much cleaner
How did this happen?
When looking at the past eight years of work at Lakeview Lodge, it is clear that step-by-step improvements to increase the energy efficiency of the building have made a significant difference. Changes implemented at Lakeview Lodge include:
2018: Switched to all LED lighting and installed some motion sensors

2019: Began practice of turning off water heaters during low use times
2021: Added insulation to crawl space and foundation
2022: Installed an efficient low temperature heat pump for the common space, eliminating one propane heater
2023: Replaced the roof and added more insulation as part of the process
2024: Installed an efficient EPA certified wood stove insert in place of the fireplace
We expect to see continued improvements in Lakeview’s energy use and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 and beyond. Thanks to all who made these improvements possible!