Our journey through the Psalms continues. On Wednesday morning of Pre Junior Camp (3rd/4th grade), campers were invited to pick up a stone and carry it with them until Quest (morning worship). The stone represented something that weighs heavy on them; something that causes them to lament.
During Quest, campers and their counselors spent time writing their own Psalm of Lament, based on Psalm 13. The campers in Beech Cabin wrote the following, which might be words that each of us can pray today.
How long, O Lord?
Will you forget me forever?
How long until we can see you?
How long must I wait for the world to change?
How long must we wait for the war to be over?
Consider and answer me, O Lord my God!
Give us peace and kindness or the war will still go on
And the world will be filled with hatred.
But where are you God?
I can’t see you but I know you’re close.
I feel your weight in my rock.