As apart of 2022 Builder’s Weekend Worship program, Shianne Harrison read the following reflection to share about her summer here in the Peaceful Woods. This summer Shianne served as Communications Coordinator, helping to tell the story of the summer through pictures, video and words.
When I was laying down the other week, I closed my eyes and saw my camera’s viewfinder screen clear as day. I’m unsure if that means I take my job seriously, or if I might need to reduce the amount of screens I look at. Either way, I have been glad to share Camp’s story with you all this summer even if I’ve been behind a lens for it.

What is Camp’s story?
For some it’s dressing your counselor up as a bee after someone in your cabin was stung twice (on the same hand) that week.
It’s the never-ending camp song parodies of Douglas (our Waterfront Director) being sung throughout a week at camp.
It’s standing for twenty minutes taking pictures at the diving board and overhearing teen boys comment on how good their arms look.
It’s being called exclusively “Camera” for the week.
It’s how close a cabin grows throughout a week after just meeting on Sunday.
Its about making friends you will never forget (and stay in touch with for many years).
It’s that first popcorn campfire of the summer where the popcorn dusts the main campfire area, leaving a snack for the raccoons.
It’s getting picked to be in the camp skit and hearing people “ribbit” after the debut of your character.
Even with all of the stories this summer, it’s still going on. While people are here they’re given a space to be present in the week in front of them. There’s comfort in knowing that this place is a place to come back to.
In this year’s skit, you meet Cat the Caterpillar. They are getting ready for a big change in their life: becoming a butterfly. With the anxieties that follow Cat, their friends console and affirm them as time dwindles down. Like Cat, it’s normal to be scared or nervous with not knowing what the next thing holds. Whether it be the current pandemic, a change in identity, who knows even a shaved head… you can always count on this place to be a home.

I came to this place all because I left my backpack in the dining hall, and ended up working here for four summers. People have so many links to this place, and it links us to a common love for the woods around us. No matter what age you find this place, it’s where a lot of memories are made.
Memories of swinging from the rope swing for the first time, deciding to do the swamp hike for the second time (but with no swamp hike clothes packed), star tipping on a clear summer night, and many more memories fill this place year after year.
As you leave and begin into the next chapter, no matter how much you or the world around you changes, these woods will be here when you need it.
As I wrap up my time here, I just wanted to pass along my reflection from Builder’s weekend. It’s been a pleasure sharing a little of what went on at Camp this summer!
Now off to do some dishes,
Shianne Harrison