Progress Report – Click here to read about the steps we took in 2023
Pillar 1 – Place
We root our work and play in the St. Joseph River watershed and commit to learning about, caring for, and being shaped by the place and its inhabitants.
Goal 1: To deepen our understanding, engagement, and love of the place and community where we reside at Camp Friedenswald.
Goal 2: To increase local partnerships and collaborate with others to strengthen our connections within the watershed.
Pillar 2 – Formation
We nurture and empower people for hopeful living through worship, play, rest, and skill-building.
Goal 3: To clearly define our objectives and goals for programming and craft a compelling and fresh vision for programs in collaboration with stakeholders.
Goal 4: To develop deep spiritual wells and practices for sharing Anabaptist Christian faith and values.
Goal 5: To cultivate joy and practical life skills that foster resilience among staff and those we serve.
Pillar 3 – Justice
We value diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and will examine the power structures that contribute to climate change, discrimination, oppression, marginalization, and other forms of injustice, responding with individual and collective action.
Goal 6: To articulate and embed DEI commitments into the fabric of who we are at Camp Friedenswald through policies, procedures, staff training and education.
Goal 7: To participate in the Repair Network and actively follow through on the commitments of learning and lament, truth-telling, relationship-building and the work of repair.
Goal 8: To reduce our contribution to climate change through specific strategies that seek to lower greenhouse gas emissions, serving as a role model to other camps and churches.
Pillar 4 – Resilience
We creatively adapt and embrace sustainable stewardship of our built environment, financial and personnel resources, to sustain Camp Friedenswald’s purpose into the future.
Goal 9: To renovate and expand staff housing and to update other aging facilities across Camp, keeping “green” practices, accessibility, and beauty at the forefront of our planning.
Goal 10: To ensure sufficient financial support to sustain Camp’s operations and a capital campaign, while promoting Endowment growth.
Goal 11: To evaluate staffing and volunteer needs to ensure that ample support is available to achieve goals, while wholeheartedly investing in Camp’s people by ensuring benefits and compensation reflect a living wage.