You can check this page for updates regarding visiting camp.
Current Information February 2025: We are currently in our winter camp season. This means availability is limited. Please give us a call (269-476-9744) to see if we can set up a visit.

What do I need to do? Email or call (269-476-9744) the office to inquire about availability prior to your visit.
What is the cost? $10/person or $25/family (Other fees apply to larger groups)
Trail Use
- Trails are open for hiking (no biking) to neighbors from after Labor Day through April 30. Please stay on trails only, and off of main camp, unless you are a registered guest of Camp.
- Trails are closed from May 1 through Labor Day.
- Dogs are allowed on trails only (not on main camp) and must stay on leash at all times.
- No hunting or gathering of any kind. This includes but is not limited to animals, plants and mushrooms.
Please call the office (269-476-9744) with questions.